How can I find out if my child has dyslexia?

Dyslexia Screening Test

The Dyslexia Screening Test produces a three-page report, indicating if your child is at risk of dyslexia. The report consists of 12 short tests within an hour assessment. Please note this is not a diagnosis for dyslexia.  The Dyslexia Screening Test is the first step in understanding if your child is at risk of dyslexia.

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• The Pearson Dyslexia Screening Test is internationally

• We offer 3 tests, for either primary or secondary aged
children or adults
• Suitable for children aged 6 years 6 months upwards
• It provides a snapshot of performance on the day
• 12 tests are administered
• Strengths and weaknesses are identified
• An overall At-Risk Index for dyslexia is given
• A short report is produced and the results explained in detail
• The time for the whole appointment is 1 hour 30 minutes
• The cost is £80

Diagnostic Assessment & Report for Dyslexia

The Diagnostic Assessment provides you with a full diagnostic report. It will include recommendations for your needs in a 20-30 page report. This report is essential if you wish to apply for a Disabled Student’s Allowance. We are not currently offering this service.

What is the difference between a Dyslexia Screening Test and a Diagnostic Assessment?

Dyslexia Screening TestDiagnostic Assessment
Number of tests included?1220-30
Is background information included?No
(only performance on the day)
(full background included)
Total length of assessment?40 minutesApprox 3 hours
What ages are suitable?6 years 6 months - adult8 years - adult
Length of report?3 - 4 pages20 – 30 pages
Results of assessment?Given At Risk quotient for dyslexiaDyslexia is/is not diagnosed
Purpose of assessment?See if dyslexia is likelyObtain diagnosis for school, college, university, workplace
Are strengths and weaknesses identified?YesYes, detailed table of results is fully explained
Are recommendations for support given?NoYes, 3-4 pages of advice is given for current support and potential future need
What is the cost?£80£500-£840

My child has dyslexia, how can Cellfield help?


The Cellfield reading programme is specifically designed by neuroscientists to improve reading and comprehension skills in just 10 days.


Find out more below: