My child has dyslexia, how can Cellfield help?


The Cellfield reading programme is specifically designed by neuroscientists to improve reading and comprehension skills in just 10 days.

Cellfield Reading Assessments:

In-depth reading assessments are done before and after the programme as well as 6 months later which allows us to monitor and track the progress made.

The assessments we use are part of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Series of tests, which are widely-used University standard tests. We also use the Gray Oral Reading Test, The Helen Arkell Spelling Test, the Pearson Dyslexia (Nicolson/Fawcett) Screening Test.

The Cellfield Reading Assessment…

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• Is a comprehensive assessment of reading skills
• Uses nationally standardised tests
• Results are presented as equivalent to reading ages which
can be compared to the child’s actual age
• Includes untimed single word and nonsense word reading
• Measures comprehension with and without pictures using a
cloze exercise
• Compares performance with reading of continuous text and
the ability to understand and retain information: provides
reading rate, accuracy, fluency and comprehension scores
• Provides a clear picture of strengths and weaknesses
• The time for the whole appointment is 1 hour 30 minutes
• The cost is £105

The Cellfield Program:

Phase 1 is a computer-based, multi-sensory treatment programme carried out in one-hour sessions over 10 days, in a 2-week block. During each daily 1-hour session, clients wear headphones and sometimes special Cellfield glasses.

Using the computer mouse, they respond to audio and visual prompts. By bonding the visual, auditory and motor functions in the brain, the Cellfield programme develops and strengthens left hemisphere brain activity. This enables reading to become more automatic and comprehension and fluency to increase. The treatment programme is delivered by university-trained professionals at our bespoke centre in Shenfield, Essex.

After completing the ten sessions at the centre, clients embark on phase 2 of Cellfield, which is vital to reinforce and develop the skills acquired during the first phase of treatment. This is 10 weeks of planned reading (oral and silent) at home or the centre. Full information is provided by the Cellfield centre and support is always available.

To read more about the Cellfield program visit the Cellfield UK Website.

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• Suitable for dyslexic and non-dyslexic children and adults
• Improves reading accuracy, fluency and comprehension skills
• Designed by neuroscientists
• Focuses on the neural wiring in the brain
• Revolutionary and unique programme
• Produces permanent improvements in reading and language
• Intensive, computer-based 10-day programme
• Just 1 hour per day over a 2-week period
• Short homework tasks are set to reinforce the Cellfield
learning and prepare the client for future sessions
• Individualised programme, closely monitored
• Activities are scored to encourage the child
• Individual record card ensures child is motivated
• Average 1 – 2 years gain in reading ages in just 10 days
• Improvements in reading continue beyond the 10 days
• Improvements in reading are permanent, provided the person
practises their reading
• In addition, improvements in confidence, spelling, memory
and coordination are common
• Our Shenfield centre is 1 of only 5 Cellfield centres in the UK
• Thorough optometric examination of the muscles at the back
of the eyes is required
• The optometric assessment determines which types of
Cellfield glasses are required
• The Cellfield course can be completed during school
holidays, before school or at lunchtimes during term time
• The cost is £1100 (Childcare vouchers are accepted)

Results: The average gain is 1 – 2 years gain in reading and comprehension ages in just 10 days.

Chart compiled from data collected at Brentwood Centre 2015-2016.